Monday, February 21, 2011

Ready, steady ... GO!

It was time to officially get started and we did with introductions to DOT, History of Kenya and IBM East Africa.

Digital Opportunities Trust (DOT) is a leading international organization, headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. DOT’s role is to work with IBM to identify Corporate Service Corps assignment opportunities in Kenya. DOT focuses on creating educational, economic, and entrepreneurial opportunity through the effective use of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) for communities and people in countries that are developing, are in transition, or are under stress.

Muriuki, our program advisor, out in his traditional Kenyan dress then took over the floor and took us through the rich history of Kenya. Given the situation in other countries around, Kenya has really evolved over the past few years. Here is a little briefing from that session:

The afternoon comprised of a cultural trip to “Bomas of Kenya”. The venue gave us a first hand experience of different Kenyan tribes. The trip also included an hour session of cultural song and dance. It was quite an experience to notice how deeply music is engraved within the roots of Kenyan people.

The day wasn’t done yet, on our return to the hotel team CHUI regrouped for a late night brainstorming session. This was the prep-up before the big-day next day. We were to present our work plan to our client, Directorate of e-Government, Cabinet Office, Office of the President. Our assignment is to develop an enabling legal and a regulatory framework for e-Government services in Kenya. It is to provide support in establishing a legal framework to facilitate and drive the further development of E-Government services in Kenya. This legal framework should link E-Government to the implementation of the new constitution and to the Kenya Vision 2030.

The dry-runs went for long and soon it was time to wrap up and hit the sack. We were ready with our draft plans to be presented … bring it on!!!!


  1. this wonderfully trip to Kenya

  2. Hope you had an amazing trip,i think Corporate blogging is a unique means of marketing that i encourage most companies to adopt,check how blogging has impacted companies in our world affairs books at
